Thursday, December 29, 2011
Being Human
The word Being Human is the reversed form of Human Being. We don’t have a say on our births. God made us human beings, but we ourselves are responsible for “Being Humans”!
Being Human requires us to see beyond ourselves and our needs. To look at the less fortunate and help them out in their time of need. And there are many ways you can do that by becoming more socially aware and helping out whenever possible...and by this, I don't mean just by money.
I truly believe in the cliché “what goes around comes around”. If not for yourself then do it for others. U will get their heartfelt blessings and those most certainly do not go in vain!
So ask yourself this question…am I just a human being or am I being human? The answer should prove motivation enough!
We should aspire to inspire before we expire!
xoxo, u know u luv me
Lavi ;)
Posted by Lavina at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011

The weather’s great especially if ur lucky to have a white Xmas (unfortunately or not, in my part of the world this phenomenon hasn’t occurred yet), the trees are lighted up, the malls are beautifully decorated and filled with people shopping for the perfect present.
As for the Christmas carols, what a joy to hear them everywhere you go. I for one, feel a wave of happiness every time I hear them.
And who can forget Santa!! Though am between 25-30 (a girl never tells ;) at heart am still a kiddo! I still expect a present from Santa every year, whether I’ve been good or bad! And a hug or two from him doesn’t hurt either ;)

Even just being able to spend quality time with your loved ones can make for a perfect Xmas…trust me, I know!
Speaking of which, I recently attended a Pre-Xmas bash at a good friend’s house and boy, what a blast we had! It was the perfect night with great food, delicious wine, scrumptious desserts, presents, music and last but not the least, excellent company.

Just being in the same room with them makes u forget all your problems even if it’s just for a while. Though it’s at times like these that I wish money grew on trees! :D

The faces of little children (or anybody for that matter…thinking abt myself) when they open up their neatly wrapped presents on Xmas day is such a heartwarming portrait.
However, I guess the best part of the Christmas tradition is to celebrate with your family and dear ones. To share a hearty meal or even just a cup of hot cocoa and marshmallows amidst all the festivities.
So go out there and spread some joy for God knows, there are several people who really need it!
After all, tis the season to be jolly...but don’t forget to get me a present ;D
“Fa la la la la, la la la la”
Posted by Lavina at 2:30 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
A Humbling Experience!
I went there not really knowing what to expect and in return had the best 3 hours of my life. The center was clean, well taken care of and had teachers who were really passionate about their work. And the kids were just fantastic! ;)
These kids were so innocent, pure and without malice in their hearts. And though they aren't totally normal as some of us (no, 'some' isnt a typo...only some of us are actually sane, while I have my doubts about a few of the others) but they didnt complain nor were they depressed. They were just we all were and some of us still are :P In fact, some of them were even more talented than many of us, myself included!
Being able to spend just a few hours with them was a very fulfilling and truly humbling experience. We checked out the facility and visited the children in various classes; some were painting, drawing, learning the how to read and write. While others were playing in the playroom/gym.
After showing us around, the staff members gathered all the kids together to play participate in preplanned activities with us. All of us took turns and participated in the various games such as musical chairs, 4 corners, passing the parcel , etc. At the end of each activity/game, the winner would get a prize. I also won one of the games but gave away my prize to a more deserving kid and no I didnt cheat!
We had so much fun that time just flew by and before we knew it, we had to head back to reality. However, I must admit that we got the better end of the deal out of this. I cant say for all the others, but I had spent a most satisfactory afternoon with some of the most deserving human beings I ever came across.
Remembering all my wasted weekends, I certainly wished I had spent them more wisely! Well, its never too late and I shall definitely try to make my lifetime on this Earth more meaningful! :)
We dont know what destiny has in store for us nor whether we shall live to see tomorrow or not. Therefore, we should all make today count!!:)
Posted by Lavina at 12:30 AM 1 comments
Labels: social cause
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Salman Khan: How he became the hottest commodity in town!
He was born Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan on 27 December 1965 to a Muslim father and a Hindu mother. The eldest of many siblings, he was always meant to lead and lead he did indeed.
Blessed with beauty, brains and talent he had a successful debut in Bollywood and went on to star in numerous films. His popularity only increased with each passing day. Having proved his acting skills from the very beginning, he only went from strength to strength.
In addition, he also helped and supported many newcomers, crediting his own time as a newcomer as the motivating factor. Several of his protégés have even gone on to become superstars such as Himesh Reshammiya, Katrina Kaif & Sonakshi Sinha.
Although at first, he was known as the brat prince of the Indian Film Industry due to his self-confidence (which some saw as arrogance) and couldn’t care less attitude with the media. This brat has now become a darling of both the masses and the press, but the road was a long and rocky one.
Just like they say, “no one is perfect” so too did this Prince suffer from the very perks of his stardom. With no privacy, his personal life became public property with several romances plagued by nasty break-ups, rumors of infidelity, confrontations, controversies, possessiveness, and even violence. He’s been there and maybe even done that (keyword being “maybe”).
His temper, fearlessness and inability to forgive easily made him an easy scapegoat and he was always in the news…usually for negatives reasons. People even used him to achieve fame as he was always the center of attention. Yet, he was always blamed, always painted as the bad guy. Maybe because it was easier to believe than on the contrary.
Therefore, just like his larger than life image, so too were his demons. From being blamed for illegal hunting, to being in jail and even battling DUI charges; there was a time when it seemed this man could do no right.
However, people forget that it is always easier to judge. How can we judge him when we ourselves are far from perfect? How dare we point a finger at him, without first having walked in his shoes? He is after all, just a human being and never made any claims otherwise.
Nevertheless and despite of all the negativity surrounding him, one thing never changed, and that is his love for family and humanity. His heart of gold were vouched for and experienced by several in the industry and outside it too.
Never did he demand anything in return except for honesty and every once in a while loyalty. For him, friendship was more valuable than money. Consequently, affecting many decisions he went on to make, some good and many bad.
Hence, like a phoenix rising from the ashes he emerged stronger and wiser. Having learnt from past errors and paying attention to good advice from well-wishers, he was now well versed to the ways of this world: specifically, the influence of the press and the power of money. Not for selfish personal gain but for the benefit of his charity – The Being Human Foundation.
With a whole new attitude and lady luck on his side, he came back with a bang! And boy was the explosion heard around the world ;)
He took full advantage of his dashing good looks, wicked sense of humor, undeniable talent, sharp mind, creativity, artistic vision and fun loving nature. Pretty soon the world was at his feet!!!
His time had finally come and there’s no stopping him now! It had definitely been worth the wait, as he is now considered the most bankable star.
His movies are declared a success even before their release. His style is imitated, his habits followed, his dialogues reiterated and his moves copied. His fans range anywhere from kids to senior citizens and would do the most absurd things just to get a glimpse of him.
As for all his faithful followers who used to constantly defend him, this was a long time coming!!! We’re just glad he’s finally getting the recognition we knew he always deserved! Not to mention, it’s a sweet moment to see haters converted!! :D
Furthermore, it’s funny to see those who once dissed him because it wasn’t cool to support him, now suddenly proclaiming to be his biggest fans!! Humans can be so fickle minded when need be!
So this is the journey of how Salman (aka Sallu) became the hottest commodity in town and no matter how long this lasts or whatever happens in the future, he has already left a huge impression on the world.
There will never be one like him again…though many will try in vain!! :P
Posted by Lavina at 4:52 PM 4 comments
Friday, June 24, 2011
Book Review: The 5 People You Meet In Heaven
The 5 People You Meet In Heaven
This is one of the most interesting books I have ever heard....dont worry, this isnt a typo. I did indeed say heard. There are audiobooks u know :P
The book tells the story of Eddie, an 86 years old war vet and maintenance worker for a theme park called Ruby Pier with a seemingly uneventful life. After his death, he goes to heaven and meets 5 people whose lives have been affected by him whether knowingly or unknowingly and they all teach him a valuable lesson abt life.
The first person he meets is a bluish looking circus clown, Blue Man - from the clown Eddie learns that he unknowingly affected this man's life by becoming the reason for his death. However, he tells Eddie not to apologize as he died so that Eddie could live.
Every action has a a far reaching effect. So we should be careful of our actions, just like the "Butterfly Effect" theory that everything indirectly effects everything else, and even one small insignificant incident can change the world.
Secondly, he meets his former Capt.- who teaches him that experiences in life change who we are and that sacrifice is a part of life...its something to aspire to. Therefore, there is no need to be ashamed of sacrifice. Its truly one of the noblest thing a human being can do for when you think you are losing something, ur really just passing it on to someone else. "Your lose will always be somebody's gain!"
The third person he meets is Ruby, namesake of Ruby Pier - she teaches him the importance of forgiveness. Silence is rarely a refuge for your thoughts will still haunt you as was the case with his father. Moreover, keeping grudges will only eat you up from inside and make you bitter.
Life is too short and beautiful to be lived with bitterness....forgiveness not only lightens up our hearts but makes us better people too. Because at the end of the day, nobody is perfect. We are all humans and humans err. ;)
The fourth person he meets in heaven is is wife, Marguerite - she teaches him the lesson of love. She explains to him that love does not have an end. When people die, love just takes on another form.
Consequently, he should let go of the feeling of being cheated since he always felt she was taken from him to soon. Nevertheless, she and her love were always there with him in the form of memories!
The fifth person Eddie meets is Tala, a young Filipino girl - she told him that everyone has a purpose in life that not only affects their own life but the lives of others as well, even if you dont realize it.
After reading this book, my view abt heaven changed. Heaven is no longer just a beautiful & perfect place that houses God and all his angels but its also where you learn and understand abt the significance of your life and its far reaching effects.
It got me thinking abt lots of questions: Who are the 5 people I would meet? Will I have made anybody proud and most importantly, would my life have a positive effect on anybody?
If I could have made even 1 person smile during their lowest moments, be there for a friend when in need, or even just positively touch the life of a stranger somewhere.....I would consider my time on this Earth worthwhile! After all, strangers are just family we have yet to come to know ;)
I would definitely recommend this book to everyone. Its a touching story that everyone can relate to and it'll certainly get you thinking, but that isnt such a bad thing now is it?:)
So go and get yourselves a copy! As for all you lazy people out there, if u cant bring yourselves to read this book than just go download the audiobook or watch the movie!! :P
Posted by Lavina at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Friends & Friendship

U just need to connect! The connection cud be over anything: hobbies, interests, social life, work, similar dispositions, same friend circle or even a particular person such as Sallu!
In the last 2 years, I met many new people & even reconnected with old acquaintances and it felt good. Today, several of these people are very close to me and have shared numerous experiences and fun moments with me. From silly jokes, outrageous comments, incredible coincidences, crazy days and most embarrassing moments….they have witnessed it all!! :)
Moreover, in the past few months I have also made some really good friends on cyberspace. And though our initial interaction was on a social networking site and due to a particular celebrity or cause, we have now become FRIENDS!
At least in my case, I care about these people and the things that happen in their lives. I certainly hope the feelings are mutual ;) We may have the most random conversations but its always fun and educational. Time really flies by and even boredom at work seems like a distant thing.
As for my work colleagues, we make a gr8 team! U guys are the best and u make coming to work everyday an absolute pleasure! ;) Our jokes, group activities, meetings, leg pulling, shopping sprees & nite outs shall 4eva be remembered!
In conclusion, I have lived some of my most unforgettable memories with all u guys. So here’s to FRIENDS!! U don’t need too many, just a few good ones are enough & wen u find them, make sure u don’t let them slip away!
U all are very special & our friendship is precious to me ;)
Thanks for just being there :D
xoxo, u know u luv me ;)
Posted by Lavina at 12:07 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The experiences of Bollywood in BKK
Thanks to the internet and with a bit of time & to see/meet the crew of Rascal (Ajay Devgan, Arjun Rampal, Kangana, David Dhawan, Sanjay Dutt, Rohit Shetty, Ana Singh, etc).
However, the best was yet to to meet my Sallu and that too a couple of times!! I had years ago met him once b4 & all he did was sign my autograph but he didnt even ask my name! So it wasnt a vry memorable experience :(
Fortunately, history didnt repeat itself & this time we actually spoke to each other.....ok, it wasnt ur typical conversation nor was it very long but nonetheless, we did exchange a few words & I was on cloud 9!! ;)
Furthermore, we got to experience "one day in the life of an actor". It was a long day but we had fun, or atleast I did!! :P Due to this, we also got to see/meet several cast members of the movie Ready including Arbaaz Khan - he wasnt very friendly thoh!:(

Saw him a few times during his stay in Bangkok, sometimes for a few seconds and other times for several hours. The most memorable day was when I went with 2 other friends (Priya W & Bhav) to Ancient City to have a fieldtrip & check out the last day of shoot as well!
Boy did we have fun that day.........driving golf carts, taking beautiful pictures including a polaroid one thanks to both Bhav & Milan for that :D We also touched a python, saw deers and got gajar ka halwa to eat :P
Finally, after enjoying the sites and sounds of Ancient City...we got to see the song picturization of "Humko pyar hua" feat. Sallu & Asin. It was so cute, Sallu seemed to be in a good mood and was quite playful. Even Asin was a sweetheart n very pretty too;)
At the end of the day, we had a wonderful experience and even got our pictures with the leading actors & Sallu's autograph too!
It was definitely an unforgettable and cool experience that I am proud to have shared with my 2 was fun-filled perfect day out :)
P.S. - I did realize that I make an amazing stalker/paparazzi! ;P
xoxo, u know u luv me ;)
xoxo, u know u luv me ;)
Posted by Lavina at 12:09 PM 5 comments
Monday, June 6, 2011
Ready - nonstop entertainment & laughter = total paisa vasool!
Wat can I say...I was so ready for "Ready" & it sure didnt disappoint!

The story isnt that great but its hilarious & filled with typical Sallu one-liners! :P
N what can I say abt the pee break!! LOL, that was a kodak moment!;)
N what can I say abt the pee break!! LOL, that was a kodak moment!;)
And though the action sequences were kinda over-the-top and exaggerated, but they were done with a sense of humor that you cudnt stop yourself from laughing....especially the climax scene where Sallu fights the bad guy with a bouquet of flowers! LOL!! It was more like a romantic Valentine scene with a nasty crash for the villain ;)
After which comes a beautiful surprise!! :D
As for Sallu, he's awesome in d movie!! His character is so cute & adorable in the film! He totally carry's the film on his shoulders and cracks u up. He'll make u laugh till your tummy hurts and u have tears in ur eyes from laughing so hard!! Not to mention, he's HOT & he ROCKS! :D
Meanwhile, there was certainly chemistry between the lead pair (Sallu & Asin). She did a good job in the movie and looked cute!
All in all, its a total time pass movie = 100% paisa vasool!
The only negative comment is that they edited my scene from the cud they? ;( I guess I'll have to try harder the next time :P Although, my friend did make it for a few secs in the beginning of the movie (a girl in the background in a black churidar outfit) & she cudnt care less! No wonder they say that life's a bitch!! ;)
So do go n watch the movie....u'll come out entertained and with a smile, that I can guarantee u!
P.S. - I even wore my Being Human t-shirt just for the event! Sallu r u paying attention ;)
P.S. - I even wore my Being Human t-shirt just for the event! Sallu r u paying attention ;)
Till next time....
xoxo, u know u love me ;)
Posted by Lavina at 11:01 AM 5 comments
Saturday, May 28, 2011
My momerable experience with chocolate boy, Imran Khan!
Ok, so recently my 2 friends and I got to meet with chocolate boy, Imran Khan in Mumbai.....and boy what an experience it was!! Belows a detailed account of it, enjoy! :P
We were invited to meet with Imran at Avantika’s house as he was flying out to Agra later that evening. So we reached the destination at 5:30pm sharp and took the elevator up to the 3rd floor of the apt. It opened up to this house with glass all around, thereby making the living room visible. Inside were Avantika, her mom and another man having a conversation.
While we were waiting to be led in, suddenly the side door opens up and guess who opened the door………….it was Imran himself with Shakun Batra!!! There was our idol standing in a light blue shirt, looking absolutely fab!! He had the most gorgeous light brown eyes ever. He mentioned that his eyes change color depending upon how tired he is….so guys, if u ever see him in a scene with really light eyes….it means he hasn’t slept much!! :P
After introductions and presenting him with a box of Ferrero chocs, we were shown into the living room. He is much taller in person than I expected and when I told him this, he said he gets that quite a lot due to his uncle Aamir.
As we seated down to chat, he asked us if we were the ones to send him the cake and the card for his bday while he was on honeymoon over in Khao Lak….so we asked if he received it and what were his thoughts. He said it was real sweet!
He asked us abt ourselves, why were we in Mumbai and for how long have we been members in IKF among other things. Then, we talked about his movies such as Delhi Belly (will be released in Hindi, English & Tamil), MBKD & Short Term Shaadi. We asked him his experience in working with Kat & Bebo and he had praises for both.:P
Then I asked him how come he went for a movie alone according to that morning’s paper. He said, he didn’t go alone but went with a few friends who apparently weren’t famous enough to be photographed!! (These media ppl really know how to misrepresent the facts)
As a result, I brought up having seen pics of him disguised as an old man and that I never would have recognized him otherwise, so he showed us bb pics from the shoot! I said it reminded me of Rishi Kapoor in Amar Akhbar Anthony, he smiled and said that was the look reference they were going for.
Afterwards, we asked him whether he watched the finals and why didn’t he go to Wankhede. He said, he was shooting and it got delayed so he just went home to watch it. However, he did join the celebrations on the streets and was very happy that India had won!! We told him that we had never witnessed anything like this b4….it was unbelievable and awesome.
During the conversation, Panther (Avantika’s black lab) also made an appearance and he was so adorable. Consequently, we asked if he planned to get another dog after Tony and he replied saying maybe but not now.
We also conversed on various topics including other celebs, books, living in the U.S., upcoming projects and Imran’s love of flying. He wants to get a skydiving and a pilot’s license soon! We also asked him to recommend some restaurants nearby. He recommended us 2 restaurants, out of which we tried 1 and I must say…..the food there was delicious! By the way, IK totally digs seafood!
Finally, we got up to take our pics with him and he was sweet enough to ask if we were satisfied with them otherwise we would take it again!! Can u believe it? He was the most gracious and well-mannered host!!
Last but not the least, we thanked him for his warm hospitality and let him know how much we appreciated the fact that he took out time to meet us despite his busy schedule. We also wished him the best of luck for the future and a safe journey to Agra.
I have met several celebs but none like Imran. His nature and kindness blew us away. He was decent, respectful, sincere, funny, friendly and not to mention hot!!! He behaved with us like we were longtime friends.
We never expected to be in his company for more than 10 min but he was nice enough to spend approx. 30 min chatting with us, nor did we expect to make it in the newspapers or on tv.
I feel truly blessed to have met such a nice person. He is not only beautiful from the outside but from the inside as well. It was not only a pleasure but an honor to meet him and I am extremely proud to be his fan/friend (not that I wasn’t b4…u know what I mean)
As I was leaving, I couldn’t help but feel slightly envious of Avantika….she is very lucky to have such a wonderful human being in her life!!
Nevertheless, I did admire her for the fact that she gave IK space and let him spend time with his fans without interfering!
In conclusion, after meeting Imran Khan I have fallen deeper and more in love with him than ever b4….he earned not only my loyalty but also my respect as a fan for the rest of my life!
Thank you Imran, Shaima & IKF!!
That’s all folks!!
We were invited to meet with Imran at Avantika’s house as he was flying out to Agra later that evening. So we reached the destination at 5:30pm sharp and took the elevator up to the 3rd floor of the apt. It opened up to this house with glass all around, thereby making the living room visible. Inside were Avantika, her mom and another man having a conversation.
While we were waiting to be led in, suddenly the side door opens up and guess who opened the door………….it was Imran himself with Shakun Batra!!! There was our idol standing in a light blue shirt, looking absolutely fab!! He had the most gorgeous light brown eyes ever. He mentioned that his eyes change color depending upon how tired he is….so guys, if u ever see him in a scene with really light eyes….it means he hasn’t slept much!! :P
After introductions and presenting him with a box of Ferrero chocs, we were shown into the living room. He is much taller in person than I expected and when I told him this, he said he gets that quite a lot due to his uncle Aamir.
As we seated down to chat, he asked us if we were the ones to send him the cake and the card for his bday while he was on honeymoon over in Khao Lak….so we asked if he received it and what were his thoughts. He said it was real sweet!
He asked us abt ourselves, why were we in Mumbai and for how long have we been members in IKF among other things. Then, we talked about his movies such as Delhi Belly (will be released in Hindi, English & Tamil), MBKD & Short Term Shaadi. We asked him his experience in working with Kat & Bebo and he had praises for both.:P
Then I asked him how come he went for a movie alone according to that morning’s paper. He said, he didn’t go alone but went with a few friends who apparently weren’t famous enough to be photographed!! (These media ppl really know how to misrepresent the facts)
As a result, I brought up having seen pics of him disguised as an old man and that I never would have recognized him otherwise, so he showed us bb pics from the shoot! I said it reminded me of Rishi Kapoor in Amar Akhbar Anthony, he smiled and said that was the look reference they were going for.
Afterwards, we asked him whether he watched the finals and why didn’t he go to Wankhede. He said, he was shooting and it got delayed so he just went home to watch it. However, he did join the celebrations on the streets and was very happy that India had won!! We told him that we had never witnessed anything like this b4….it was unbelievable and awesome.
During the conversation, Panther (Avantika’s black lab) also made an appearance and he was so adorable. Consequently, we asked if he planned to get another dog after Tony and he replied saying maybe but not now.
We also conversed on various topics including other celebs, books, living in the U.S., upcoming projects and Imran’s love of flying. He wants to get a skydiving and a pilot’s license soon! We also asked him to recommend some restaurants nearby. He recommended us 2 restaurants, out of which we tried 1 and I must say…..the food there was delicious! By the way, IK totally digs seafood!
Finally, we got up to take our pics with him and he was sweet enough to ask if we were satisfied with them otherwise we would take it again!! Can u believe it? He was the most gracious and well-mannered host!!
Last but not the least, we thanked him for his warm hospitality and let him know how much we appreciated the fact that he took out time to meet us despite his busy schedule. We also wished him the best of luck for the future and a safe journey to Agra.
I have met several celebs but none like Imran. His nature and kindness blew us away. He was decent, respectful, sincere, funny, friendly and not to mention hot!!! He behaved with us like we were longtime friends.
We never expected to be in his company for more than 10 min but he was nice enough to spend approx. 30 min chatting with us, nor did we expect to make it in the newspapers or on tv.
I feel truly blessed to have met such a nice person. He is not only beautiful from the outside but from the inside as well. It was not only a pleasure but an honor to meet him and I am extremely proud to be his fan/friend (not that I wasn’t b4…u know what I mean)
As I was leaving, I couldn’t help but feel slightly envious of Avantika….she is very lucky to have such a wonderful human being in her life!!
In conclusion, after meeting Imran Khan I have fallen deeper and more in love with him than ever b4….he earned not only my loyalty but also my respect as a fan for the rest of my life!
Thank you Imran, Shaima & IKF!!
That’s all folks!!
xoxo, u know u luv me ;)
LaviPosted by Lavina at 5:41 PM 3 comments
Karisma Kapoor....will always be my Lolo!
Looks like Lolo's makin a comeback and soon!! Honestly, I couldn't be any happier as she's my favorite and always will be ;)
I remember it like it was yesterday....the beautiful blue eyed girl with bushy eyes brows and curly thick black hair. :P
But from the moment I saw her, I loved her!
Her innocence and energy were appealing not to mention she could actually act!! Hey, the Kapoor surname is a + but does not guarantee anything besides more pressure to make it big.
In addition, how could u not love her colorful dresses or rather frocks and bright lipstick? She was certainly a sight to behold.
However, when u look back now its like... OMG, wat the hell was she thinking!!! lol
Nevertheless, just as the ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan, so did Karisma. By the way, she was never ugly just not so stylish as she is now.
She got her eyebrows done, her hair straightened and highlighted & a whole new wardrobe that complemented her gorgeous figure. Boy, what a difference a good stylist and a few changes can make :)
Anyways, as time went by she totally transformed herself for the better and gave us many wonderful movies, characters, performances, songs and styles for which she received lots of appreciation, fame and awards too. ;)
She worked with many actors but none could compete with the chemistry she had with Sallu! They made one fabulous jodi! They were not only awesome but perfect together.
Gosh, I still remember wishing they would end up marrying each other and in some remote corner of my heart, I kinda still hope that they do :) Yes, I'm aware its almost impossible, but u never know!!
On d other hand, I truly believe her best is yet to come....shes looking drop dead gorgeous and can give many of today's actresses a run for their money!
If the latest gossips r to be believed than Lolo's making a comeback soon and I can't wait!!
Its high time she did so and am so looking forward to it. But the best part is that she just might be making a comeback with Sallu (atleast that what the latest rumors r suggesting)!!
Honestly, if I were rich enough I would produce a movie just to turn this into a reality...since thats not the case, I hope that fate makes it happen someway somehow!! ;)
So as of now, am keeping my fingers crossed for my SaLo!!! ;)
xoxo, u know u luv me ;)
Posted by Lavina at 5:04 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 26, 2011
SalKat Poem
"Ajab prem ki ek ghazab kahani suno,
Ek tha Tiger, ek thi Sheila
Dono wanted from here to New York.
Ek din ladki boli, O zara zara touch me touch me touch me ;)
Toh ladka bola, main karoon toh saala character dheela hai!
Aur duniya bole, we are ready for your marriage.
Phir Dabangg Khan bola, main Hindi Film Industry ka Yuvraaj hoon, aur humko pyar hua, tumse pyar hua.
Mujhse shaadi karogi?
Has kar sexy Katrina boli, main bhi Bollywood ki Barbie hoon aur tum humko deewana kar gaye!
Zindagi na milegi dhobara, toh I will be your partner, o partner. I will be your partner let me, let me say!!" :)
If nothing else, I hope it made u smile at least!! :D
Have a nice day!
xoxo, u know u luv me ;)
Posted by Lavina at 11:42 PM 0 comments
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