Friday, January 18, 2013

Gossip Girl Stars Ed Westwick & Leighton Meester Unveil Siam Center Mall in Bangkok

MissMalini readers Priya and Lavina had the opportunity to see Ed Westwickand Leighton Meester while the stars were in Bangkok for an event, and are now sharing their experience with you guys!
Ed Westwick
Ed Westwick
The New Year isn’t about what happened, it’s about what’s to come and 2013 started off with our favorite UES couple reuniting in Bangkok for the re-opening of the Siam Center mall.
It all started when my celeb obsessed friend, Lavina, messages me at work to ask if I would like to go and see them, and being a huge gossip girl fan, I said “yes” without thinking twice. After all, it isn’t everyday that Queen B and Motherchucker come to town.
So we both head towards the mall after work and see hundreds of fans at the venue eagerly awaiting for a glimpse of Ed & Leighton. Many had been waiting since hours in the hope of securing a good spot to catch their favorite stars, we were told.
Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester
Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester
As luck would have it, we unfortunately got separated in the process of trying to get a good vantage point to see Ed & Leighton or better known as “Chuck & Blair.” I ended up standing on the side where the red carpet was,while Lavina managed to get a place somewhat near the mini stage.
Leighton Meester
Leighton Meester
Few moments later a group of Thai Celebrities walked the red carpet and gave an interview and also a little performance much to the delight of the local fans. Next, the stars of the night,our very own “Mr. & Mrs. Bass,” walked in causing the crowd to go wild!
Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester
Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester
During the brief interview session they were asked on what they thought of Bangkok, to which they both responded saying that they loved it. It was Ed’s first time in Bangkok while Leighton had previously vacationed here with family. They were also asked to comment on their thoughts regarding the new mall and then proceeded to a photo taking session with other local celebs, socialites and the mall owners.
Later, they were given a private tour of the mall with access to the escalators being blocked in order to prevent chaos from getting to them. No wonder they say, life ain’t fair!
Waiting for Ed & Leighton
Waiting for Ed & Leighton
So we came up with a brilliant idea and decided to go and wait for them at their hotel which was adjacent to the mall. After all, chahey jahaan bhi jaayen, akhir wapas hotel hi aana hai. :) We waited for awhile and were chatting with other fans there about the stars, when a hotel staff came and informed us that both Ed & Leighton have already come back to the hotel using another entrance and will most probably not be going anywhere else since they have an early morning flight to catch.
Taio Cruz
Taio Cruz
After debating for a few minutes we agreed that better than waiting around would be to go check out hot R&B star Taio Cruz. Hence, we ran back to the mall and made it in time to attend a mini but awesome concert by the British dynamite. And boy did he break our hearts, but in a good way. ;)
And like all good things, this day too came to an end. Till next time, xoxo – we hope you love us ;)

Article courtesy:
Photos courtesy: Dev Mohnani.